Starting life as a new student can be exciting as well as challenging but one thing that helps a lot is being organised. We’ve collated all of the important information in one place so you can access it easily, anytime.
Click here for information on how to get ready for OPAIC and New Zealand.
It is our primary concern and responsibility to look after our international students. OPAIC has agreed to observe and be bound by The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021, as published by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Copies of the Code are available from the NZQA website.
We have committed to providing you, our staff and visitors with an enjoyable, safe and secure environment. All students are guided by principles of openness, fairness and respect. They should engage in the activities of learning in a manner that strives for excellence. Rights and responsibilities apply to all students and act as a guide to OPAIC policies and practices. If you have any queries, contact the Student Success team.
We have a number of dedicated teams on campus to support you. Our friendly staff will do their very best to help with your questions or concerns. We’ve listed the key teams and what they look after here.
Are you in an emergency situation? Yes, dial 111 - New Zealand’s emergency services number for police, fire or ambulance. If you are in a seriously critical situation, call 111 first, then call us as soon as you are able to. We have a 24-hour emergency phone service available if something happens outside of our regular office hours. You can reach us on +64 21 028 287 11
It is important that you read the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment (including the policies) because when you sign the declaration on the enrolment form, it means that you accept these Terms and Conditions. For a downloadable copy of the Terms and Conditions, click here.