International +64 9 309 0301
New Zealand 0800 111 212

Our programmes are delivered by academic and business experts at the forefront of their fields

With the guidance of our education team, when you graduate from AIC, you are ready to work and succeed in your chosen career. We are committed to building a safe, positive and inclusive higher learning environment that celebrates diversity, skills and cultural perspectives. Our lecturers and support staff come from a range of cultural backgrounds and countries themselves. Expect lots of discussion in class and learning through real-life experiences and reflection. Classes are taught in English however there are staff available who speak other languages should you need it.

Our Staff


Applied Management
James Harrison
PhD in vocational and professional Learning Victoria University,Melbourne 2021
MBA Warwick University UK 1992
BSc Hons Applied Physics Brighton Polytechnic UK

IS0 9001 Quality Assessor 1992
Investors in People Advisor and Assessor UK 1992

Teaching areas:
Principal facilitator and lead assessor for both Independent Learning Programmes in undergraduate business and engineering and Professional Practice post graduate programmes in business, management, leadership and education at Capable NZ