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Our programmes are delivered by academic and business experts at the forefront of their fields

With the guidance of our education team, when you graduate from AIC, you are ready to work and succeed in your chosen career. We are committed to building a safe, positive and inclusive higher learning environment that celebrates diversity, skills and cultural perspectives. Our lecturers and support staff come from a range of cultural backgrounds and countries themselves. Expect lots of discussion in class and learning through real-life experiences and reflection. Classes are taught in English however there are staff available who speak other languages should you need it.

Our Staff


Waruni Hewage
Lecturer & Programme Manager
Waruni holds a PhD in Computer and Information Sciences from AUT, New Zealand and a BCS (Special) from the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. She worked as a lecturer in Sri Lanka for nearly three years before starting her PhD, and then as a teaching assistant at AUT for two years during her PhD.

Waruni’s research interests include Data mining, Machine learning, Business Intelligence, Database Management Systems, and Computer Science Education.

She strives to help learners acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they can confidently apply in practical scenarios.

Outside of work Waruni enjoys reading books, listening to music, watching movies and hiking. She loves learning new things and facing and overcoming challenges.

List of Publications
• Mehdipour, F., Hewage, U.H.W.A., Boonrat, W., Naviza, A.L., Vidhya, V., Aharari, A. (2024). A Model for Predicting Crime Risk. In: Nakamatsu, K., Patnaik, S., Kountchev, R. (eds) AI Technologies and Virtual Reality. AIVR 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 382. Springer, Singapore.
• Hewage, H., Sinha, R., Asif Naeem, M. (2023) Privacy-preserving data (stream) mining techniques and their impact on data mining accuracy: a systematic literature review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 56, pp 10427–10464.
• Hewage, W., Mehdipour, F., & Ganeshan, K. (2023) Improving learner experience: Collaborative learning facilitation. Teaching Excellence Symposium held at Te Pūkenga | Otago Polytechnic 29-30 June, Dunedin.
• Mehdipour, F., Babenkov, E., Hewage, U. & Aharari, A. (2023) Identification and Prevention of Banking Fraud and Scams. 2023 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC), Rhodes Island (Rodos Island), Greece 19 - 22 July 2023
• Ganeshan K., Boon T., Mehdipour F., & Hewage, W. (2023) Helping Older Learners into Careers in IT: An Innovative Approach. Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2023) and World Congress on Education (WCE-2023).
• Hewage, W., Pears,R. & Asif Naeem, M. (2022) Optimizing the Trade-off Between Classification Accuracy and Data Privacy in the Area of Data Stream Mining. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Vol 20, No. 1.
• Hewage,W., Sinha,R. & Pears, R. (2022) Utilizing Noise as an Attack Independent Measure for Representing Privacy in Logistic Cumulative Noise Addition. International Women in Engineering Symposium, Sri Lanka.
• Hewage, W. (2022) Optimising the Trade-Off Between Accuracy and Privacy in Data Stream Mining Environments. Doctoral thesis, AUT