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Our Staff


Kathiravelu Ganeshan
Senior Lecturer
Ganeshan brings a wealth of academic and industry experience across New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, and the USA. He has over eighty publications in computing and education and has supervised hundreds of undergraduate and postgraduate projects. His current research focuses on the applications of computing and AI in education and healthcare.

Ganeshan is deeply committed to fostering a mindset of lifelong learning and problem-solving in his students, which he considers his most significant contribution to their development.

Outside of his academic and research endeavours, Ganeshan is an avid sports enthusiast, with a particular passion for swimming and surfing.

Publications, Presentations and Notable Achievements:

Kirk, D., Ganeshan, K., & McIntyre, S. (2018). Framework for innovation in the classroom. In Proceedings of the Flexible Learning Association of New Zealand (FLANZ) Biannual Conference. (pp. 60-63). Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Ganeshan, K., Kirk, D., & Kothamasu, N. (2018). Collaborative, Project-based Learning in Software Development. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, iCERi 2018. (pp. 428-436). IATED, Seville, Spain.

Ganeshan, K. (2018). Curriculum Design Using Ata and Kaupapa Maori, Proceedings of iCERi 2018. In L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres (Ed.). Proceedings Proceedings of the 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, iCERi 2018. (pp. 345-350). IATED, Seville, Spain

Komosny, D., Voznak, M., Ganeshan, K., and Sathu, H. (2015). Estimation of Internet Node Location by Latency Measurements - The Underestimation Problem. Information Technology and Control, 2015, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 279-286. ISSN: 1392- 124X.
Ganeshan, K., and Xiaosong, L. (2015). An Intelligent Student Advising System Using Collaborative Filtering. DeAntoni, M. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference 2015, El Paso Texas.

Komosny, D., Simek, M., and Ganeshan, K. (2013). Can Vivaldi Help in IP Geolocation? PRZEGLA˛D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY. 5/2013 ISSN 0033-2097.
Jayawardena, C., Baghaei, N., Ganeshan, K., and Sarrafzadeh, A. (2013). Designing a socially assistive companion robotic wheel chair: RoboChair. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System & Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics.

Burget, R., Komosny, D., and Ganeshan, K. (2012). Topology aware feedback transmission for real-time control protocol. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 35/2 : 723-730.

Li, X., Ganeshan, K., and Xu, G. (2012). The Role of Social Networking Sites in E-learning. 42nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education: FIE 2012 Conference Proceedings. pp.1206-1211. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2012.6462424. 

Li, X., Ganeshan, K. & Hu., J. (2011). Investigating the Need and Content for E-Security Training in New Zealand SMEs, International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics (icEIC 2011), Orlando, USA, November 29 - December 2.

Shukla, R. & Ganeshan, K. (2011).  Living Curriculum: Computing Education, E-LEARN 2011 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 18-21.

Cervenka, V., Komosny, D., and Ganeshan, K. (2011). IETF 6LoWPAN and Sensor Networking. 6th International Conference on Teleinformatics, Brno University of Technology, Dolni Morava, Czech Republic. 2 - 4 February, 2011. pp 69-73.

Balej, J., Komosny, D., and Ganeshan, K. (2011). Mapping Round-Trip Time into Length Suitable for Geolocation. 6th Intl. Conference on Teleinformatics, Brno University of Technology, Dolni Morava, Czech Republic. 2 - 4 February, 2011. pp 63-68.

Muller, J., Komosny, D., and Ganeshan, K. (2011). Geolocation of Nodes in the Internet. 6th Intl. Conference on Teleinformatics, Brno University of Technology, Dolni Morava, Czech Republic. 2 - 4 February, 2011. pp 57-63.

Sathu, H., Shah, M.A., and Ganeshan, K. (2011). Performance Comparison of Video Protocols Using Dual-Stack and Tunnelling Mechanisms. Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science Series(CCIS),CC2011 Springer Proceedings. 501-511. 501-511. ISSN: 1865:0929. 

Li, X., Ganeshan, K. & Hu., J. (2011). Investigating the Need and Content for E-Security Training in New Zealand SMEs,  International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics (icEIC 2011), Orlando, USA, November 29 - December 2.

Ganeshan, K. (2010). Providing an Effective and Efficient Learning Environment: Meeting the Challenges of Multiple Diversities. Proc. The 4th Intl. Multi-conf on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol II, pp232-237. 8th Intl. Conf. on Education and Informations Systems, Technologies and Applications. II : pp232-237. ISBN-13:978-1-936338-06-1, CD ISBN-13:978-1-936338-08-5.

Novotny, V., Komosny, D., Radim, B. & Ganeshan, K. (2009). Large-Scale RTCP Feedback Theory and Implementation, Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications – CCAT – Communications and Computer Applications and Technologies, Amman, Jordan, October 26-28.

Komosny, D., Moravek, P., Radim, B. & Ganeshan, K. (2009). Feedback transmission in large-scale IPTV sessions, 9th International Symposium on Communication and Information Technology 2009, Songdo-iFEZ ConvensiA, Incheon, Korea, September 28-30.

Komosny, D., Ganeshan, K., Jelinek, M., and Burget, R. (2008). Scalability issues with the hierarchical feedback aggregation for large-scale IPTV systems. Dowland, P., and Furnell, S. INC & HAISA Conference Proceedings CDSeventh International Network Conference Centre for Information Security and Network Research.

Komosny, D., Cimbalek, P., Ganeshan, K., Muller, J. & Burget, R. (2008). Visual Model of Feedback Transmission in IPTV. Accepted, The Second IASTED Africa Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Gaborone, Botswana, September 8-10.

Komosny, D., Cimbalek, P., Ganeshan, K., Muller, J. & Burget, R. (2008). Visual Model of Feedback Transmission in IPTV. Proceedings of the Second IASTED Africa Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Gaborone, Botswana, September 8-10.

Komosny, D., Ganeshan, K., Jelinek, M. & Novotny, V. (2008). Scalability Issues with the Hierarchical Feedback Aggregation for Large-Scale IPTV Systems. Proceedings of the Seventh International Network Conference (INC2008), Plymouth, U.K., July 8-10.

Ganeshan, K. & Komosny, D. (2008). Rojak: A New Paradigm in Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the Ed-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 30-July 4, Vienna, Austria.

Ganeshan, K. (2008). A Technological Framework for improving Education in the Developing World. Proceedings of the Ed-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 30-July 4, Vienna, Austria.

Ganeshan, K. (2008). Reviewer. The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2008, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Ganeshan, K. (2008). CKBLS: An Interactive System for Collaborative Knowledge Building and Learning. Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Databases (AIKED '08), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, February 20-22, 2008, ISBN 978-960-6766-41-1, ISSN 1790-5109, pp 442-447.

Ganeshan, K.
(2007). Runner-up, School of Computing and Information Technology, Lecturer of the Year.

Ganeshan, K.
(December, 2007). Linux. ISBN 978-0-473-12925-5

Ganeshan, K.
(2007). Beyond Clickers: Design and Implementation of a Wireless Intelligent Personal Electronic Response (WIPER) System. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Applications, Oct 8-10, Beijing, China.

Ganeshan, K. (2007). Teaching Robots: Robot-Lecturers and Remote Presence. Proceedings of the Ed-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 23-29, Vancouver, Canada.

Ganeshan, K.
(2006). Introducing True 3-D Intelligent Ed-Media: Robotic Dance Teachers. Proceedings of the Ed-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 26-30, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Ganeshan, K. (2006). An Interactive Music Tutoring System. Proceedings of the Ed-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, June 26-30, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Ganeshan, K.
(2006). Networked Intelligent Mobile Robot Assistants: Patient Monitoring and Telemedicine. Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on BioMedical Engineering, Feb 15-17, Innsbruck, Austria.

Shukla, R., Kyle, S., Shukla, V. and Ganeshan, K.
(2006). Be Your Own Guru: Fusion of Technology and Wisdom. Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Web-Based Education, Jan 23-25, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Ganeshan, K.
(2005). Member, Extended Editorial Panel, Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology.

Ganeshan, K. and Shukla, R.
(2005). Practical Applications of Affordable Multi-Purpose Robots. Robotics and Applications, Oct 31-Nov 02, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Ganeshan, K.
(2005). AI:Objects and Meta Objects in Learning Musical Performance. Proceedings of the Ed-Media Conference, June 27 – July 2, Montreal, Canada.

Ganeshan, K.
(2004). Indian Classical Music in Western Notation, Book 1. ISBN 0-476-00972-3.

Ganeshan, K.
(2004). The use of robotics in the field of music, Public lecture, Unitec, New Zealand, 15 November.

Ganeshan, K.
(2004). Computer generation of the gamakams of Indian classical music, Presentation to the New Zealand Carnatic Music Society, Auckland, New Zealand, 19 September.

Ganeshan, K. and Pickard, J.
(2004). Composing Music Using Genetic Algorithms. Proc. 17th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Change, Progress and Innovation in Technology, 6-9 July, Christchurch, pp67-70.

Ganeshan, K. (2004). Highly commended: Orchestral music software, 17th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Change, Progress and Innovation in Technology, Hotel Grand Chancellor, New Zealand, 09 July.

Ganeshan, K.
(2004). Orchestral music software demonstration and performance, Computer music performance of western classical music, Indian classical music and jazz, 17th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Change, Progress and Innovation in Technology, Hotel Grand Chancellor, New Zealand, 08 July.

Ganeshan, K.
(2004). Performance of an Indian classical music piece (Yaare ranganaa) on the computer, New Zealand Carnatic Music Society, Fickling Convention Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 15 February.

Ganeshan, K. (2003). Elected to Pi Mu Epsilon in recognition of superior achievement in the field of Mathematics, Ohio Theta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, Cincinnati, USA, 16 November.

Ganeshan, K.
(2003). Rhythmatics - Math, music and machines, Invited Address, Pi Mu Epsilon, Ohio Theta Chapter, Cincinnati, USA, 16 November.

Ganeshan, K.
(2003). Visiting Professor, Xavier University, Cincinnati, USA.

Ganeshan, K. and Ganeshan, V.
(2003). Extreme Programming – A Success Story. Proc. 16th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Fresh Fields, New Horizons, 6-9 July, Palmerston North, p483.

Ganeshan, K. (2003). The Theremin and the Computer. Proc. 16th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Fresh Fields, New Horizons, 6-9 July, Palmerston North, p482.

Brant, B. and Ganeshan, K.
(2003). Providing Opportunities in Computing to Some Highly Motivated Adults. Proc. 16th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Fresh Fields, New Horizons, 6-9 July, Palmerston North, p472.

Ganeshan, K.
(2003). World's first performance of a popular Indian classical music piece (Saamaja vara gamanaa) using fifteen different instruments on a computer, Fickling Convention Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 18 April.

Ganeshan, K.
(2003). Performance of an Indian classical music piece (Yaare ranganaa) on the computer, St Barnabas Scout Hall, Auckland, New Zealand, 07 February.

Ganeshan, K.
(2003). Music software for Indian classical music. Availabale for download on , and

Ganeshan, K. (2002). A.I. in music composition. Proc. 15th annual conf. of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications: Technology and Innovation: New Understandings and Influences, 2-5 July, Hamilton, p469.

Ganeshan, K.
(1995). A reinforcement bar optimization system. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Practical Applications of Prolog, Paris, April 1995.

Ganeshan, K. and Farmer, J.
(1995). A menu preparation expert system. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Practical Applications of Prolog, Paris, April 1995.

Ganeshan, K. and Higlett, R. (1995). A packing optimiser for shipping containers. Proceedings of the Fourth International conference on the Practical Applications of Prolog, Paris, April 1995.

Ganeshan, K. and Chacko, E. K.
(1990). An expert system on mangoes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programmes, University of Florida, USA, February 1990.

Ganeshan, K. (1989). An expert system on mangoes. Poster presentation, Third International Mango Symposium, Darwin, Australia, September 1989.

Ganeshan, K. and Bowyer, P. J.
(1988). Artificial intelligence applied to time-tabling. Proceedings of the Fourth International Expert Systems Conference, London, June 1988.

Ganeshan, K.
(1988). An expert system for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the symptoms associated with vertigo. 9th congress of the Asian Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Singapore, April 1988.

Ganeshan, K. (1985). Artificial Intelligence. The Mechman, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore, 1985.

Ganeshan, K.
(1985). Artificial Intelligence Applied to Machine Health Monitoring. M.Sc. Thesis, Cranfield Institute of Technology, England, 1984.