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Our programmes are delivered by academic and business experts at the forefront of their fields

With the guidance of our education team, when you graduate from AIC, you are ready to work and succeed in your chosen career. We are committed to building a safe, positive and inclusive higher learning environment that celebrates diversity, skills and cultural perspectives. Our lecturers and support staff come from a range of cultural backgrounds and countries themselves. Expect lots of discussion in class and learning through real-life experiences and reflection. Classes are taught in English however there are staff available who speak other languages should you need it.

Our Staff

Executive Office



Executive Office
Farhad Mehdipour
Research Director and Head of Department, IT
Farhad has completed his BSc, MSc, and PhD in computer science. He was a post-doctorate researcher working in the area of high-performance and low-power computing systems in Kyushu University, Japan between 2007 and 2010. From August 2010, he was an Associate Professor in the Kyushu University, where he participated in several joint projects with industry in Japan, and supervised/co-supervised many Master and PhD students.
He joined Tech Futures Lab at Auckland as a Data Science and IoT Specialist in May 2016. Later in 2017 he joined Unisys as a senior consultant and data scientist. He has been with OPAIC since January this year, and alongside his current academic placement as a senior lecturer, he has also founded STEM Fern, a start up in Auckland developing AI and robotics technologies and content for primary aged STEM education.
Farhad has a broad experience both in industry and academia across three different countries and has initiated and led several interdisciplinary R&D projects particularly on AI, robotics, and IoT-enabled smart systems. He is a senior member of IEEE.

Post-doctorate: High-performance and Low-power computing systems (Kyushu University)
PhD, Computer Science (Amirkabir University of Technology & Kyushu University)
MSc, Computer Systems Architecture (Amirkabir University of Technology).
BSc, Computer Engineering (Sharif University of Technology).
Specialisation in Data Science, 2014 (Coursera - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).
NZ Cert in Adult & Tertiary Teaching, Open Polytechnic (ongoing)

Teaching areas:
Data Science, Internet-of-Things, Cloud Computing, AI, Databases

Professional interest areas:
AI and Robotics for STEM Education, Business Intelligence.

Selected Publications:
(Google Scholar:

Book Chapters:
1. Farhad Mehdipour, Bahman Javadi, Aniket Mahanti, Guillermo Ramirez-Prado, Fog Computing Realization for Big Data Analytics, Fog and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Wiley, 2018.
2. Farhad Mehdipour, M. F. Rahman, K. Murakami, Intelligent wireless sensor networks in cyber-physical systems, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, ISBN-10: 1849198241, Mar. 2016.
3. Farhad Mehdipour, Hamid Noori, Bahman Javadi, Energy-Efficient Big Data Analytics in Data Centers, Energy Efficiency in Data-Centers, Elsevier’s Book Series on Advances in Computers, Feb. 2016.

Recent Journal Publications:
1. S. Rastegar Moghaddam Mansouri, H. Gholamhosseini, A. Lowe, Farhad Mehdipour, M. Lindén, Estimating Systolic Blood Pressure Using Convolutional Neural Networks, pHealth, 2019.
2. Kalpana Nand, Nilufar Baghaei, John Casey, Bashar Barmada, Farhad Mehdipour, Engaging Children with Educational Content via Gaming, Smart Learning Environments, Smart Learning Environments 6 (1), 6, 2019.
3. N. Rahmanikiaa, A. Amiri, H. Noori, Farhad Mehdipour, Performance evaluation metrics for ring-oscillator-based temperature sensors on FPGAs: A quality factor, Integration, the VLSI Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 81-100, Mar. 2017.
4. Karen Baker, Richard Rowley, Farhad Mehdipour, Collaborative teams: The investigation of how collaborative processes and team dynamics impact on collaborative teaching in a New Zealand context. Core Education uLearn16, Rotorua, New Zealand, 2016.
5. A. Medhat, A. Shalaby, M. Sayed, M. El-Sabrouty, Farhad Mehdipour, Adaptive Reduced Comlexity Algorithms for Motion Estimation Unit in HEVC Encoder, IET Image Processing, Feb. 2016.

Recent Conference Papers:
1. Bahman A. Sassani (Sarrafpour), Rosario D. S. Choque, Blake M. Paul, Farhad Mehdipour, Commercial Security Scanning: Point-on-Sale (POS) Vulnerability and Mitigation Techniques, The 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, Fukuoka , Japan, 2019.
2. Bahman Sassani, Andrew David, Xiaosong Li, Farhad Mehdipour, AgentPi: An IoT Enabled Motion CCTV Surveillance System, The 4th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress, Fukuoka , Japan, 2019.
3. Farhad Mehdipour, Mohsen Pashna, Aniket Mahanti, A 3-Tier AI-Based Solution for Facilitating STEM Education, Submitted to Sixth International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LATICE), 2018.
4. Bahman Sarrafpour, C Abbaro, Ivan Pitton, Craig Young, Farhad Mehdipour, PST 2016 : 14th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2016.
5. M. F. Rahman, Farhad Mehdipour, H. Furukawa, Modeling the Impact of Clustering with Random Event Arrival on the Lifetime of WSN, ICNCC '16 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing, Pages 292-296, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.
6. B. A. Sassani, C. Abbaro, I. Pitton, C. Young, and Farhad Mehdipour, Analysis of NTP DRDoS Attacks' Performance Effects and Mitigation Techniques, Cybersecurity considerations, Privacy, Cybersecurity, and Trust Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2016.
7. Farhad Mehdipour, Bahman Javadi, Aniket Mahnati, FOG-Engine: FOG-engine: Towards Big Data Analytics in the Fog, The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing, Auckland, New Zealand, August 8-12, 2016.

Please refer to Farhad's Google Scholar and DBLP pages: